South Park wavs
I know I didn't have an anal probe!
French people piss me off!
I need to go poopie...
Kitty's bein' a dildo!
Holy crap!
Dude, this is pretty fucked up...
God, shut up!
I don't think I have to fart anymore.
There's an 80-ft. satelite dish sticking out of your ass!
Fart, damn you!
I'm a clinically depressed fecal-philiac on Prozac...
You will respect my authoritai!
If a woman ever gave me crap, I'd be like...
Oh my God...they've killed...Goddammit!
Check ya later, G!
Kick the baby!
He needs to run his ass around the block...
Screw you, hippie!
He's doing something to his ass...
O Holy Night
South Park clip art provided by:
Chef's South Park Source
South Park is owned and Trademarked by
Comedy Central