Guest Book No 1 Have you signed them all?


Welcome to the world of Chophie and Worge...

Two H.F.S

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Welcome to Chophie and Worge...Stop and sign at least one of our many guestbooks coz they are funny and we have four of them...Worge has a wiggly bum!

Worge, well she's Worge really, she's into stripey things and storing jars and can look like a number of different animals at any given time, for example, a Bumble Bee, a Mole, or a Panda (generally in the mornings). And she does a great impression of a Cat with fur balls! Amazing! She hasn't changed or even looked at probably her page this year, so for maximum sillyness you'd best just stick to my pages... :)

Chophie's from up North, centre of the universe, home of nice pubs, friendly dogs, rolling fields, ducks and ponds and a whole lots of other lovely 'natural' things. She likes Sheep, and now has a nice collection of related items, all donations greatly accepted. People think she's scarey but she's not really, well, unless your name is Joe and it's freezing cold at 4am Christmas Morning that is. And if it's not, then you should be safe enough. :)

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There should be a button here

Here are the exciting bits...

There should be a button here This is Chophie, isn't she just the rudest thing you have ever seen!
There should be a button here And this is Worge! She's well endowed!
There should be a button here And this is her pretty page... Worge's World Of Stripey Things!
There should be a button here A page that needs no introduction...Sheeps!
There should be a button here A game for all you gamblers out there...Mini Egg Poker!
There should be a button here Chophie and Angies drinking game Terry, Barry, Harry
There should be a button here Quotes Page... If you said it, it's here...

The sound of Music ROCKS

Happy are they Lady-o Lady-lee-o!

There should be a button here

There should be a button hereChophie's Wonderful World of Many Links

There should be a button here

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Love Chophie xxx

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