Geocities Feature Page

This site was Handwritten by "Aferg".


Tulips Come on in! Tulips

Knock on my door
and come on in!

Candles Across America Campaign
Click the graphic to support our troops. I put this flag up when our soldiers were in Kovoso. Now I'd like to include our troops in Afghanistan and all the firefighters, police officers and diaster workers that have given there all during the World Trade Center/Pentagon disater on 9/11. God be with you and God Bless America. For your own desktop flag visit

Thanks So Much for this Wonderful Award. I love getting surprises and this was a great one. Please click on the award to visit Sonshine's Newsletter. Lots of great goodies inside.

Thank you for the Honor of receiving this special award.

CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE TOP 1000! Family-Friendly Site

Awarded on August 31, 1998
Wind Surfer Award

I am proud to announce that Aferg's Attic was selected as the "Site of the Week" for the Wind Surfer's Webring on October 3, 1998. I'm so proud! Thanks!!!!

Paint Shop Pro Users Group EyeCandy