What Drives You on Can Drive You

Hi, Christy here and this is my homepage. I live in Virginia, and I enjoy reading, listening to music, and watching movies.
Some of my fave bands are 311, No Doubt and many more. I'm a HUGE WWE fan. I have a bunch of fave actors and too many fave movies to count. If you want to talk to me e-mail me.
I am the Voice Inside Your Head and I Control You...
Links to other pages
Some Cuties
Some cool bands
Great Quotes
Poems,Songs and stuff like that
TV Shows
Anime That You Should See
My WWE Obsession
My Fave Obsession
This site has been running since July 1st 1997!

E-Mail me

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Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.
~Helen Keller~