Welcome to the HanG TeN internet surfers home page.
Here @ HanG Ten we hand out 13 web page awards per year. 12 monthly awards and one 'years best' award. Awards are voted on by 'surfers' like yourself from all over the Globe. Scroll down to see past winners, nominees and to vote for The Web Page of The Month.
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And the winner is Jeff Norris Scrap Book. It is what its name implies, a scrap book, including pictures of Jeff, 'Punch Richard Simmons', a picture of the Real Killer, and a shot of Jeff when he Co-stared on the T.V. series CHiPs.
Here are the Home Pages of the months: JANUARY
And the winner is:The Animation Junk Yard A collection of animations from around the web.
And the winner is: Divina's Links A collection of usefull links put together in a very attractive package.
And the winner is: Garth's Home Page Lots of links to help you build a web page and some fun links too.APRIL
And the winner is: AngrY's Mountain Bike World Everything you wanted to know about the sport of Mountian Biking.
And the winner is: Friesen Family Home PageA family Oriented site with lots to see and do JUNE
And the winner is: The Simulator A very cool page, if you see only one page this year, make it the simulator
You can vote for or nominate a site just by filling this simple
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to hit this page.
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HanG Ten