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Satan's Backyard

Welcome To My Den

My name is Reyhan Charles David . I am 18 years of age and am also extremely good looking... at least through the eyes of a toad so it may seem..

I hail from Malaysia and am a college student currently doing my 'A' levels at Sunway College. (See a pic of Sunway College in my biodata page)

My goals in life are to be rich and famous but in terms of a future occupation I aspire to be a Business man in relation with the field of Computer Science..


  • Tennis(Was pretty good at it once)
  • Playing my Electric Guitar(Fernandez Stratocaster)
  • Messing around with the P.C(Nothing beneficial)
  • Playing my new fav sport 'Ultimate Frisbee'
  • Being a sarcastic ass(Among intellectually challenged)
  • Chess(Was President in my college)
  • Rollerblading
  • My Other Pageslavalamp.gif - 27.1 K lavalamp.gif - 27.1 K

    My favourite sites
    My Biodata
    My family

    Please email me and tell me whether you enjoyed my homepage.If you didn't well to hell with you then :)

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