Satan's Backyard
My name is Reyhan Charles David . I am 18
years of age and am also extremely good looking... at least through
the eyes of a toad so it may seem..
I hail from Malaysia and am a college student currently doing
my 'A' levels at Sunway College. (See a pic of Sunway
College in my biodata page)
My goals in life are to be rich and famous but in terms of a future
occupation I aspire to be a Business man in relation with the field
of Computer Science..
Tennis(Was pretty good at it once)
Playing my Electric Guitar(Fernandez Stratocaster)
Messing around with the P.C(Nothing beneficial)
Playing my new fav sport 'Ultimate Frisbee'
Being a sarcastic ass(Among intellectually challenged)
(Was President in my college)
My Other Pages
My favourite sites
My Biodata
My family

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me and tell me whether you enjoyed my homepage.If you didn't well to hell with you then :)
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