Hello and welcome to my home!
I'd like to introduce
Linda aka..Kellie *formal curtsy* and a sad smile.
OH! My...winter is here
and it's a COLD time of year.
Need to enter in some pics of the changing colors.
I'm also a first time Grandma ( I sound old) to a lil baby boy.
I hope you
enjoy your time with me. *blushing* I will be changing
things around
because of my life
has changed in many ways. Some friends come or go
but a real
friend will always love you for who you are.
So please visit often to see what I've added. Added more as of June 7, 2007 to the pic
Click on the girl in the window *ss*sections.
Thought to ponder and contemplate:
As I grow older, I pay less attention
to what men say. I just watch what
they do. -Andrew Carnegie
Photos inside dated 11-12-2005 ~Click on the rose below~
Pics of my vacation in Hawaii
Casper's Page
~Click below to get to know me~
~Visit my "BESTEST friend's page~Ppppsssssss she's really NOT a
Click here
Click on the motorcycle for information on Harleys!!
Before you leave..Let me know if you enjoyed your visit!

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and let me know what state you are from *soft smile*