Currently this site is under going to major construction. Hopefully I will be able to get this site up and running before Christmas '99.

Purpose of Site:
The purpose of the site is just as the name intends, it will be a place that people can meet other from around the world. This is going to be a free service as long as I am running it.

How Does it Work:
After I work out all the bugs of this site, you will be able to add your own personal information to this site. The information will be stored and people can come here and search by age, gender, show all, and among other things. Right now I am trying to figure how to make the ages automatically update on the persons' birthday. If someone that reads this page knows anything about PHP3 (Pre Hypertext Processor) and has an idea on how to solve this birthday problem, please email me.

For anyone that came to this site through Geocities, the site has moved to