Hi There! Being a homeless
web surfer for more than 2 odd years, I finally came up with a little corner
to build my little cosy home to share with all my friends, buddies and
people who are frequent surfers and those who happen to find this little
space on the web! Hmm.....very well for the introduction, I shall now not
disturb you from surfing more of my page and who knows? You might find
out what you want to know? As they say, 'Always expect the Unexpected!'
Happy Surfing! Well then, let me introduce the main categories of my Home.
They are 1) About Myself, 2) Secondary
School Memories, 3) Ngee Ann Polytechnic Memories,
4) Personality Tests (Updated every Month!) and
5) The Link Pages (Updated every now and then).
By the way, please take the time to sign my Guestbook?
Will you??? *curious*