Shannon's Page!!

(This is me...Shannon!!! Glamour Shots can make ANYONE look good, huh?

And this is me now! haha. Not telling that the Glamour shots picture was taken when I was only 20 yr old! This was taken May 2002. My family! :-)

Well, hello there! My name is Shannon, I am 30 yr. old (1/18/73) and from Minnesota, near Minneapolis. I graduated from school in May of 1999 for Computers (Imagine that) and became a PC Specialist. I started school a little later then normal because I was in the Army for 3 years as an Airborne Parachute Rigger. I liked the jumping part, but not the landing. I did make 11 jumps. Not many, but enough I guess. My job title is a Human Information Resources Support Services II. (I play with computers)

        I love the outdoors, Hunting, fishing, camping ect...  I also love anything to do with Sports! Favorite Hockey team of course is the MN Wild! (GO WILD)
      I like just about any kind of music. Mainly like Country though.....favorite singer is Shania Twain and GarthBrooks.. and Toby Keith.... I also like the "new" stuff. Like the music on the "NOW" cd's if you know what that is.

( Alex's Present to me and his dad. He had these pictures done in Missouri 07/2001)

    I have a 9 yr old son named Alex (10/4/93). He is the love of my life. I honestly would not know what I would do with out him! He is growing up SO fast! Alex started the 2nd grade this fall (2000). He was MORE than ready for it! He's going to be a true heartbreaker to all the girls when he gets older! He does very well in school. His favorite sport is Hockey and then Soccer. He also plays Basketball and Baseball. So we are constantly on the go!

I had another son named Zachary, but lost him to SIDS. (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) Zach was 7 months, 27 days old when he died. That was April 27th, 1996. I love to talk about him, and talk about SIDS, so never feel afraid to ask questions. So many people get scared to ask, but I like to talk. If you knew me, you'd see for yourself! He was a VERY important part of my life. Half of me died that day. But PLEASE don't be afraid to mention him around me! There was a quote I heard which I like to go by
"The mention of my sons name may bring tears to my eyes, but it also brings music to my heart."
Help me keep him alive but talking about him!

( Zachary August 30th 1995 - April 27th 1996)

When Zach was born, I thought at the time I only wanted 2 children so I had a tubal Ligation. That was before I knew that the Lord would take Zach home to be with Him again. So I was left only with Alex and not able to have another child. Well, then I met my present husband who does not have any children of his own. We asked for money for our wedding to get a tubal reversal. On May 20th, 1999 it happened! I had the reversal done. Now I have a 80% chance to have another child. God willing we will. We are praying everyday for that dream to come true.
We did end up conceiving in March of 2000!!! But miscarried at 6 weeks along. The very next month, we conceived AGAIN, yet lost that one also.It has been VERY hard, but at least now we know it WILL happen! We will have a child together!


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( Joseph Matthew ,aka, Joey.....8 monthsold)

Then there is Joey. *SIGH* He is a child that I was trying to adopt through a friend. I had Joey for 5 1/2 months, until the system found a mistake in the adoption process. So they said they HAD to take Joey from me, it was the "Rules". I even tried fighting in Supreme Court, but that was costing me over $2,500 a month, so had to throw in the towel. I was there the day Joey was born, named him myself after my father, stayed with him in the hospital, and took him home with me! On September 5th, 1997, Social Services took him away! Now he is with some other family. It's really hard. Feels a lot like Zachary dying, except Joey isn't dead, just ripped from me. Joey was born on March 15th, 1997. I just wish I knew if he was well taken care of.


( John Robert looking as cute as ever!)
John Robert is my one and only favorite nephew. He was born November 19th, 1998 to my brother Jay and his wife Jill. This is their first child and my first nephew! Now I finally have someone else to spoil! I wish they lived closer, but they are stationed in Turkey right now. Little John Robert has to grow up not knowing his favorite Aunt Shannon very well. Don't you think that child is being deprived? I think they should move closer!! But since they DON'T live closer, all I have is pictures to share. In fact, I have SO many pictures of him growing up, that he now has 2 pages of his own! There is a link to the 2nd page on the Johnny link up above, or I will just add both links separate down below. Maybe if everyone writes my brother, and tells him how deprived I am, they will come visit more!

My Brother and Jill now have a little girl added to their faimly! Jamison Margaret! (Jamie) She was born just 4 yrs and 2 days after her big brother's B-day. I can't wait to get to hold her!
Here is a picture of her when she was first born!

Greg and Me on our wedding day

I became remarried to the greatest man on earth named Greg on March 27th, 1999 We've been together since Jan. 16th 1998 and get along GREAT!!! I love him to death! Greg is great with our son and is big into hunting, fishing, Basketball, football, baseball and Nascar. A typical Man! He has shown me the real meaning of love and I can't picture my life with out him! Still do not understand what he sees in me though. Sure glad he sees something though!

I had to put a picture of our Dog, "Saige" and our Kitty. Now we beg to differ on the cat's name. To Alex, it's "Kimberly" but to Greg and I, we prefer to call her "Freak" or "Spaz"... Just what she is!
   Hope you all like this. I know it's pretty simple. I would LOVE if you would sign my guestbook, but for some reason, it is not working right now. So you will have to just email me so I know who was all here! The page will be worked on alot yet, so stop by often to see changes! Hope you enjoyed!


By His Mercies (TubalRerversal)

Pictures of Love

INCIID (Infertility Board

Attack on the U.S (9/11/01)
John Robert & Alex's Day Together!
Zach's Memorial Page
John Robert Pg 1
John Robert Pg 2
Wedding Day
Greg (My Husband!)
Our Friends!!!
Me and the boys
Pregnancy Roller coaster Update

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