Email Rena
Well, Hello again! Sorry it's been so long since I updated my page, Christmas and school starting back up has really kept me busy. But I have done some updates, and added a link to my friends' page, so have a look-see and please let me hear from you. That means the most, knowing someone sees all this hardwork I am trying to learn how to do. :)
my family: I have two children, a boy and a girl. My girl will be thirteen in March and wow does she let me know it! lol.. she likes to chat online too, her nick is alz. My son's nick is Racer, and he turned five three days after Christmas. He isn't quite old enough to be a chatter online, but he already enjoys playing games I have downloaded for him off the internet, so I guess I have got both of them onto computers! My husband is Elvis, no not the original lol... he was just born on January 8 so we call him Elvis. :) He is a he works with computers, too. This time of year, I call myself a "tax season widow"...... are there any others like that out there? I am a musician, teacher, and composer, and I even use the computer to write my music.
If you have children in the age range of 11 to 14, or if the reader is 11-14, you might want to become email pals with my daughter. She loves getting emails. I have her addy on here too. I love to chat with everyone, lol, so email me for any reason. I will be looking for your responses!
Email ALZ
Racer and Elvis
Come see my friends!
Great Places to go:
I've worked hard at fixing this page up, wanting to tell about my internet friends. Come look! Tell me what you think! :)
If you are a distraught girlfriend or wife of a football lover, you might enjoy my thoughts on the subject....
ChatNet on IRC
The Womens' Network
Games for 3-6 year olds
Games for Children ages 4-12