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Me Kayla and Joshua
You are visitor  Since September 8th
Hi I am Molly I go by nick of  Lovheals on IRC  I have been on
 since february 1996. I am a single mom (28) of 2 kids, a girl 4 an a  boy 6 I stay at  home with them right now, they have developmental handicaps and they need me at home right now !!
my favorite colors are pink purple and blue

My fav IRC channels are #Soul_Mates   #Divorced_parents Channels  on Dalnet IRC ,
I was born and raised in Bloomington Illinois , I  now live in Tacoma Washington


my hobbies are 
I  love to do latchook work
I love to listens to country and wetern ,  music soft rock , and love
 songs I  love to cook and of course  love playing on my pc on IRC
and am an  op on dalnets #Soul_Mates  and #true-friends .

Fav Sports Include
hockey and soccer.
And now if you dont mind a Word to the LOVE of MY LIFE

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This Web Page was updated on 8/10/97 by Mark Brogan


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