Reminder! Just a reminder before you go! :o)
Now I'll tell you a little about my family. We are a weird
bunch of folks!!
First of all, I have a little brother (named Britt) that is sixteen years old. (*YIKES* He's driving!!!) He is an awesome guitar player and he will be marching the snare drum in "The Pride's" drum-line! He's also a rockin' baseball player!! (He plays left field, 2nd and 3rd base!) So...If you are a sixteen year old gail...mail me and I'll be
sure he gets the message!
My Dad, Sam, is a MAJOR stock car racing fan. His favorite
driver is Dale Earnhardt. (Of Course!) He also runs the local NAPA store. If you'd like to, check out my dad's RCR3FAN homepage (link below).
My Mom, Kathy, is a telephone operator for BellSouth, but not for much longer!! (She's about to retire...but don't tell her I told ya!!!)
She's a real crafty person. (Meaning she loves craft fairs and boring stuff like
RCR3FAN'S Homepage ... My Dad's really cool Site!!
The Pride of Eastside...A page about my school's marching band!!!
WBS Teen 13-15 Chat ... Cool chat for Teens! You can find me here occasionally. The handle's "Miss Major"!!
Eric's HOT Icons ... Really neat pics for site construction!
Jeromey Gaudreau's Homepage ... My Bud's Rockin' Page!
David McCray's Homepage ...An Awesome page!
Eric Boyd's Homepage ...Eric is my Bud from school!
Open 24 Chat ...You'll catch me here sometimes...the handle is "Jay-Jay" or "LittleAnnie"!!
Band Nerd's World ...Cool site for people in High-school Band
A Sad Poem on Drinking & Driving ... A "must read" poem!
Phat Matt's Phat Page ...Cool page by a cool guy
Girlz on the Net ...Cool cyber club for teen girlz!
Eastside High Guy's Soccer ...Page about the Eastside guys Soccer Team!!(That's for you...Rob!)
Fairy Princess Page My cousin, Amber's cool page!!
If you'd like me to put a link to your page here...E-mail me!
Roll the dice for a random link or add your site to the random link database!
Lori's Page 'O Quotes ...If you're the sentimental type, you'll love these quotes!
Thanks for taking the time to check out my page!!
I really appreciate it!!
Keep in mind...I'm
at this, so if you have any suggestions that would
help me out, e-mail me PLEASE!!
This page was last updated on... December 30, 1998
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Well...before I go...I just wanted to say HELLO to any of my awesome buds from school that may have visited! I love you guys!! :o)
© 1997 by Lori Johnson
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