Job's Daughters in Anchorage, Alaska
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Hi my name is Emily!
Let me explain what Job's Daughters is to those who do not know. It is a group of girls between the ages of 11 and 20 who have Masonic relationship.
I am a Job's Daughter in Anchorage, Alaska Bethel#1. I am a past Honored Queen and soon be to a Majority Member. My Bethel is really small and we are trying to make it bigger. We have 10 active members. The girls that we do have are very devoted to making our bethel bigger. As little as we are we have lots of fundraising projects as well as fun projects. This Past April 5th was our Miss Alaska JD Pagent. The girl who is chosen will go onto represent our state in the Miss Internantionl Pagent. Our new Miss Alaska JD is Katie Hendricks, Jr. Miss JD Alaska Melanie Farris, and Miss Congenialty JD Michelle Elmore.
We are always looking to correspond with other Bethels. E-mail me anytime and you will always get a reply!
We would like to hear from all the jobies out there. The girls in my Bethel would love to have pen pals from all over. Please feel free to E-mail me and there will always be a response. Most of the girls do not have computers so mailing addresses might be needed!
Jobie Love,
Bethel#1 Anchorage, Alaska
The IYOB FILIAE sign thanks to Mrs. Mac!!!
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Links to other sites on the Web
International Order of Jobs Daughters
Jobies of Bethel # 63
Masons welcome wall
Algabil Freedon Lodge #636 St. Louis, Missuori
Mrs. McManus's Jobie Journal
River Forest-Austin Lodge No. 850
These are other links to Masonic Home Pages!
The masons are the ones that make us special. They give us our heritage.
With out them there would be no Jobs Daughters!
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