Hi I'm Beatriz!
people have entered my homepage since April 29!)

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My interests are:
Spending time with friends and family, sleeping, thinking about guys(which takes up about 99.5% of my time!!!LoL), reading, dancing, singing, playing the piano, making people laugh, getting on the computer, listening to the radio, talking on the phone, smiling, watching movies such as: Austin Powers, Empire Records, Dazed and Confused, and anything Disney, watching the ATLANTA BRAVES (especially Javy and Ryan and Chipper! Javy's my fav though.), watching WWF wrestling(Stone Cold rules!), and all kinds of other stuff I don't feel like typing right now!

(I'm trying to make a Braves page that ya'll can visit, hopefully I'll be able to get it started tommorrow-I bet I spelled that wrong!-=)

I love this pic. and Stone Cold!!!

Welcome to my page!

If you feel like sending my anything like pictures or something, feel free to do it!!!!Please, please, please, email me!!!!!
Email me here
Visit my Braves Pagehere
Visit my Ty Herndon pagehere

Let me tell you a little about myself! My name is Beatriz. I'm 5'9, brown hair and eyes, and tan skin. I was born in Phoenix AZ.I'm 16 years old!!!! and a Junior at Okmulgee High School! I'm a proud member of the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!!!(for those of you who don't know what that is, I'm mormon!) I love all types of music. I LOVE TY HERNDON!!!!! (he is a country singer!) And, I LOVE Winnie the Pooh! Oh, yeah, my favorite color is purple.( I know, you probably don't care what my favorite color is, but I don't care, I felt like telling you!=>) Right now that's all I can think of. As I start to get the hang of this, I'll tell you more! Until I put something a little more interesting here, let me leave you with a few quotes from my favorite movies:

Dr. Evil: I want chicken, I want liver, Meow Mix, Meow Mix, Please deliver!
Dr. Evil: Are they ill tempered sea bass?
Dr.Evil: Throw me a frickin bone here! I've been frozen for thirty years, I'm the boss need the info!
Austin Powers: Who throws a shoe? Honestly!!!!!
Austin Powers: My name is Richie Cunnigham and this is my wife, Oprah!
Austin Powers: That's not mine! Honestly!
Austin Powers: Who does number two work for!!!!!!!!!
Scott: Get away from me you lazy-eyed psycho!!!!

Lucas: I don't regret the things I've done. Only the things I did not do.
A.J: What's with you today? Yesterday you were normal, today you're acting like that Chinese guy off the Karate Kid.
Lucas: What's with today, today?
Joe: Every minute that I don't call the police, I look like a bigger banana head!
Lucas: Joe, I can catagoritively say you are not a bigger banana head.
Gina: Welcome to Music Town. May I service you?
Warren: My name is not Warren!
Burco:His name isn't Warren.(rest of the cast: His name isn't Warren....His name isn't Warren....His name isn't Warren!
Mark: I thought his name was Warren.
Gina: Shock, me shock me, shock me, with that diviant behavior!
Eddie: Hey, you forgot your thingy!
Burco: Who are you?
Jane: I'm Jane.
Burco: Oh
Jane: I work for Rex Manning.
Burco: (laughing) Ohhh!
Rex Manning: Why don't you all just fade away?
Deb: Jesus I hate this funeral!
Deb: Don't fight, just rip.
Joe: Where's Gina?
Marc: Empire Records, open till midnight, this is Mark............Midnight!!!!!!!!
I hope you enjoy these quotes! Have an awesome day and keep smiling! =)

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