HeLLo, THis Is pAtTy's HomEPAge. Pretty neat, huh? /me shrugs It's okay, I guess.You're visitor # since March 27, 1998.
Really. I will update this soon, so check back.
Want to see pictures of me in high school ? (Like four years ago, when I started this page? EmAil me if you have any statements, links, etc.
There are lots of cool things I'm going to say, so come over and listen to what I have to say about everything that's been going on. :)
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Kay, I'm not that experienced at this, so you should let me know what you think and what you think I should add or take away or whatever.. so I'd be eternally grateful if you would, and actually I DEMAND that you Sign My Guestbook Happy Holidays everyone! Want to see pictures of my holiday?
Check out all the people who have signed my guestbook! View My Guestbook
Veruca Salt Page - they're the ex-coolest band on the face of the planet! (As they have broken up fairly recently.)