Li'L girL adidasgirL's homepayge!!
to this little girl adidasgirL's homepage! Look around and then e-mail me and tell me WasSUP?!
BTW...sorry, but I don't know how to program, so this page sux majora!
Follow lil' Dragin and see what goes 'round when you kick it here...
Then again, he ain't goin' reaL far...just ditch him...!! =D
It's Gordon and my 2 YEAR anniversary today...!! =D 6.18.99.
To see some pictures
of me when I was LittLer, cLick on this pic... |

...otherwise, cLick on
pic!! |
You just wanna skip to the good stuff, huh? Well, check out my newly [and FiNALLY] put up payge of Gordon and me!!
WeLL, it's not reaLLy that new NEmore!! =D
...and now you can take a LoOkie at my new car...=Þ Just cLick here!!
...or want to get rite to tha' pix, huh? Here's a pix gaLLery for yOo to be sEein'!! =)
I have second homepayge too...with so click here to get to it! =) This payge doesn't have anything other than an index and an example, but hey...I'LL say here when to check it out!! =)
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