
Updated May 2007!

We're fastly approaching the ten year mark that John and I have had this website! We've been through a lot in those ten years. I've been updating a few pages. John has told me he's also going to be updating some of his pages. So click on the graphic at the top of the screen, you know, the one that's telling you to "Please click here to enter" Yeah, that one.

Sorry! No more kitty porn page!

Eat shit asshole. Yo Yo shitface!
We used to have a guestbook. But we don't have one anymore. If you want to contact us, E-mail us. Our E-mails will be on the next page. So click on the ENTER sign at the top of this page. Thanks!! *L*

We are #1
So you want a few more pictures huh? Fine! We'll show you some.

Skull asswad. Screw this.
What the hell is this?

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Uh, why you still reading? That's it. This is all there is. Click on the Enter sign at the top of the page. Bye bye now.