Floda's World Of Slides And Mules
Beautiful Women In Slides
Please drop me a line by E-Mail before
you leave,
I want to know what you think.
Always check The Slides Forum for new pics
and discussions.
April News
Slowly starting to get things working again here.
I lost the passwords for the subsites. So they
will remain as they are now. I will look for
ways to stage something new, better and bigger.
Recently sites specializing in slides, mules and clogs
have emerged quite frequently. It seems as if the topic
is losing it's outsider's image. This site was the first
to talk about it, it's still among the biggest and it is free,
since it is ment ss a meeting point and informative resource.
Keep the site alive by mailing and posting. I have many things
to do, I can't always take care of the it. There are
always times in which I work hard to make it bigger
and better.
Picture Galleries
Visitors Gallery
This link will take you to a
subsite !
for pictures of exotic shoes and a hidden page full of
the most beautiful girls in slides.
Besides offering entertaining pics this site is the only
public informative source devoted to this
phenomenon that can make women so irresistible.
Women's Essays Library
Slides Library
Slides Stories
Slides Chat
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View The Book Of Slides
NEWS : 6/6/98
CLASSICS : 3/27/98
VISITORS : 5/7/98
FEATURE : 10/8/98
W.I.S. : 3/27/98
LIBRARY : 4/15/98
STORIES : 6/6/98
© 1997, 1998 , 1999