Jenny's Kick Ass Page!

Hey there everybody!!

Hello there everybody! My name is Jenny Stapleton. I am 20 years old. I graduated from Crandon High School in Crandon, Wisconsin. I am currently attending college now at the Illinois Institute of Art in Schaumburg. I am majoring in Graphic Art and Design. Some of my hobbies are downhill skiing, snowmobiling, swimming, bike riding, and hanging out with my friends!!
There are a couple links below. One is for my old High School, and the other is to my cousin D.J's page. Check them out. They are pretty cool. Bye!!

This is me!! It's one of my senior pictures.

Links to other sites on the Web

Krowbenoe's Shitty Homepage
Crandon High School

Here is a picture of me and my friend Jen. Yes, I know we have the same name! To all of our friends we are known as Jenny #1 and #2. The other picture is of me and my pal Lori!

This picture is of my cousin Melissa. The other picture is of me and my friend Kara!

Well you have just seen my page. What do you think about it? I know it's not the best, but oh well. It's only the second one I have ever created. E-mail me or sign my guestbook to let me know what you think about my page or just to chat about stuff. Hope to talk to you soon! Bye again!!

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