Welcome to GOTO Photography !!!!
Highlighting the Glamour Of The Outdoors
Please see my portfolio's at www.OneModelPlace.com (Photog #233) and www.Webtalent.com/FotoJim
At the current time (as for the last 20 years), I do photography as a part-time interest (i.e., I have a
non-photography-related full time job), but I would love to do some professional work some day. My favorite subject is
people - models, in particular. I do have other photographic interests, including
travel, sports, and
It is not my goal to have the flashiest web site with rotating graphics and Java scripts.
I simply intend this site to serve as a quick source for providing information and descriptions of my services.
If you are
1) a model, or
2) just thinking about trying some modeling, or
3) interested in trading your time for some prints of yourself (or other compensation),
1) are located in or are planning to visit NJ, PA, NY, DE, MD areas, and
2) want to know how to get FREE (or better than free) prints,
then check out my
Model's Info
page to find out about MODELS' REWARDS and contact me by email at j_ofgotofoto@geocities.com
Note: There are some modeling scams out there, ones that ask you for money up front for pictures/portfolio's, etc. I don't ask for any money at any time! I just ask for your time.
If you want to see some samples of my work, visit my
Images Page |
The latest additions to the images page are online! Click for my Images Page above!
In the meantime, you'll also get to visit with Sarah, Tara, Shannon, and "J".
Tara, lakeside:
I'll be adding more to this page so stay tuned!
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