This site contains a directory of all my closest friends both in real life and cyberspace . I intend to add a search engine soon so as to facilitate faster retrieval of names. I promise to put a link to your page if you put mine on your page . Please note that your site will be included * only * After I visit your page and check out my link. You can directly cut and paste the HTML code written after Be My Friend Application.
Please Be My Friend
* Please donot leave these Fields Blank. Your Email will be used only to notify you about the inclusion of your site. All information will be kept confidential and will not be exchanged.
Code to be put in your page
< A HREF="" >
< IMG SRC ="/SouthBeach/Sands/4646/iodl4.gif" ALT="Link to Dutta's Page" HEIGHT=35
The image you will see in your page is
You may modify the code but the link should be present. If you have any problems you can mail me here