On the night of January 27, 1982, the STARGAZER was born...

With a flash of a FLYING COMET, the sound of a crying baby could be heard...


Update (03/01/99) Hi everyone, it's now the SEVENTH week of the semester!! Wow... times been passing by so fast that I don't even realize it! Anyhow, school's been really busy and I have a CS61A midterm tomorrow, so I have to study real hard~~ I still haven't gotten around to scanning pictures, but just be patient =P
The English MP3 song that I'm providing for everyone this week is Backstreet's "Show me the feeling of being lonely".
And also Britney Spear'sSometimes

Update (02/11/99)
Here's a picture of my roommates and some of my floormates when we went to a musical.

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My Writings (partly under construction)

This site is currently still under construction!! but will be completed in a few weeks~~=)

People have visited this site since March 13, 1998
Updated March 01, 2003

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