(UD 5/28/98) Welcome back to the Detour! Yeah Yeah Yeah I know!!! It's been too long since an update! but I have been working on bigger and better things (I know it's hard to believe that anything could be bigger and better than the detour:o), stuff that I can't put on the geocities servers. If you would like to see or read what I've been up to, send me an email. Anyway... The Fantastic Feet page is back up with a few pics, and I will try to add some more by next month. Other than that, I haven't updated too much; however, I did add a new question for the single ? survey. Thank you to those who participate and thanks to you all for being patient while the Detour waits to be updated!
Is it me...? or is the web getting stomped on? I cannot even fathom the number of feet sites that have popped up in the last 10 months; it's staggering! and GREAT!!! I especially want to thank the godesses that are gracing the web by stepping on it! It's nice being able to see a new face, sole and toe around every corner thanks again!

Last week's results are at the bottom of this page.

Ok I think most of you know how this goes. I'll post a question (multiple choice), you review it, ponder it, then submit your answer by signing my guest book at the bottom of this page (Please DO NOT send e-mail). Furthermore, please choose one answer and be sure to add your opinion as well. On every Friday I'll post the results in detail, give a closing comment for the previous weeks question, then post a new question. This could be a lot of fun so please participate (You can submit your answer anonymously if you choose)! Now on to the question...



In what fashion do you feel a woman's toenails look best? Again... You can only choose one answer, but feel free to tell me what you think.

a) Short!
b) Long!
c) Short w/polish!
d) Long w/polish!
e) Extra long (polished or unpolished)

Again, please submit your answers by signing my guestbook at the bottom of this page. Thanx for participating!

NT's Top Ten Lists

Links above were last updated on 5/28/98


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The majority of the images used in my site were lifted off the websites of generous individuals. If for any reason, you see something that belongs to you that should not be on my pages, PLEASE E-MAIL ME and I will remove it promptly! I am a very easy goin' guy, and I don't want somebody to think I'm deliberately trying to rip him or her off! Thank you! Please come again!

Last week's results
If your girlfriend, wife, or the possessor of feet you desire were to dip her toes in a substance knowing full well that you would get to clean them off... What would you prefer? Please choose only one!

a) Chocolate syrup! 12
b) Honey! 9
c) Ice Cream! 4
d) Fritos Bean Dip! 0

Chocolate syrup seems to be the stuff! If Hersheys only knew what we are doing with their product. Some guy even mentioned something about melted candy bars on his woman's feet, and some guy even said that he likes peanut butter on his woman's feet ("hey! you got your peanut butter on my chocolate..." "Hey! you got your chocolate in my peanutbutter..."). There is a lot of honey lovers out there, but they came up a little short. Only 4 people picked ice cream, and nobody seems to like bean dip on their lady's toes. :o) There were two voids because somebody said something in Spanish (which I can't read), and somebody said he would rather drink vintage port from a woman's shoe and lick it off her feet of course; unfortunately, that answer was not on the survey. Anyone who enjoys fine cigars would agree with the guy though. I enjoy a Fuente Chatteau with a nice vintage Port every now and then.

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