My trip to Madeira Island and the Algarve Portugal

An island of green mountains and flowers, of sun, happiness and hospitality.
This is an island of beauty, peace, and tranquility. This is the island of Madeira.
Madeira which means wood in portuguese, is the top peak of a mountain range rising 4 miles from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Located approximately 550 kms from North Africa and 1000 kms from Lisbon, its origin is volcanic and the total population is about 280,000 of which 120,000 live in the capital city, Funchal

Just to the west of Funchal
you will find the second highest cliff in the world
Cabo Girao

One of the things you will notice if you ever visit Madeira is the abundance of flowers that seem to grow on the island. The interesting thing is that these beautiful flowers are usually not maintained by anyone but because of the moisture in the air from the surrounding Atlantic Ocean, the flowers seem to grow naturally on their own
anywhere and everywhere.

"The Floating Garden"

I spent a fabulous week in my hometown of Madeira. I stayed at the Hotel Estrelicia which is located on Caminho Velho de Ajuda. This Hotel is minutes away from the Lido Swimming Pool Complex and in walking distance to the Marina and the centro of Funchal. Even though I was born in Madeira, it was officially only my 3rd time there. My family left Madeira to come to Toronto Canada when I was about 2 years old. Since then, I have visited Madeira only once, which was 5 years ago when I went with my parents and sister, her husband and my nephew. I have an Uncle, a few Aunts and many cousins that still live in Madeira!

I quickly discovered that 1 week in Madeira isn't enough time to enjoy the paradise in which this island has to offer, but I was very excited because the second part of my trip included a visit to the mainland of Portugal.

My trip continues to the Algarve

Check out...mY coOL LiNks pAgE

Map of Madeira
Map of Algarve
Map of Portugal

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