Good News!

Chris and I are getting married! He proposed on July 30, 1999 and we're planning a wedding for April 28, 2001. Go to my wedding section for more info!

Hi! Welcome to my page. That's all this really is...almost 3 megs of stuff that interests me! I hope you find something here that you find useful, or perhaps just interesting. When I first created this site two years ago, my main purpose in creating this page was originally to find my know, that whole genealogy thing. I have recently added all the information that I have so far, so if you're interested, please check it out and if you have any information I may be able to use, please e-mail me.

As my site got older, I realized that I could use the page to give a little insight to who I am, so I started adding more and more content, until we have what is here today. Not to say that what I have is all that but I think it's pretty darned good, so well, enjoy!

Check out my new car!

I got it on February 15, 1999...It's a white 1999 Dodge Neon R/T with blue stripes....



Click on the grrrr to see photos of Chris and Jeremy's Pontiacs. Chris has a 1972 GTO and Jeremy has a 1965 Grand Prix.

Click on the MR2 to see Chris's old car. He sold it in January to a guy in Boston and bought a Dodge Ram. Since then he sold the Ram and bought a Dodge Durango, but I loved the MR2 so much I thought I'd leave the pics up for others to appreciate!


cute dog

This is Brak. He's friends or something with Space Ghost. I found a couple of links you may find entertaining.
Desch's Page of (Mostly) Brak Sounds

This my dog Petie about nine years ago. Wasn't he cute?! Click on him to see my photos of him and all his friends.

If you haven't noticed, I've moved all my links to a separate page. If you want to see them, Click here and you'll find yourself magically transported to my world of friends.

I know there is a lot of info on this site, so it may be easier to search, perhaps for your last name...who knows, we may be long-lost cousins!

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