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Magyar vagyok, magyarnak születtem... (klikkelj ide)!

Szia! Hello! Bonjour! Salve! Hallo!


You are looking at Champace's homepage... Who is Champace? That's me, but I often use Cha.

I am a seventeen years old ( a bit older :-) ), Hungarian boy, living in Budapest.

Click on these links to learn more about:
-my country and my city: Hungary
-myself: "myself"
-my hobbies: "my hobbies"
-my preferred links: links
-music I like : "Eternal Music"

The links to my friends' homepages:
This is Wane's homepage (he is one of my frids)
This is Edina's homepage (she is my e-mail friend)
This is Nagy Katalin's (with many names) homepage (she is e-mail friend too)
This is Robbert Haarmann's (with much more names, like Inglorion) page (he is "mellon") 

I would like to know something about you. too. Write me something if you feel like it: your homepage, good web sites and anything else!

Write me please! :

Thanks to: Waginger Balázs, Tóth Balázs, Kolossa Péter

Visitors from 1. May 1998:

And: save the world, read Tolkien, listen to your heart (Roxette), be a hero, carpe diem, laugh often, walk with your eyes open, and be helpful!

And write me:
My UIN number is: 1304650 (ICcool!) 
Copyright © by Champace
If you find anything on my homepage under your copyright, tell me, and I throw it away!
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