Hello and welcome to my web site. As you may know my name
is Paul Huging. I work currently casually for the Ultimate Games Hotline and at the moment am slowly starting my own business called Solstice Multimedia. For the past couple of months since leaving my last job I have been looking at doing this small business, also doing design work for people like flyers for dance parties and postcard advertising. I also have been using Photoshop alot to develop I suppose art works and hopefully soon I'll post these up for the world to admire. My last job was with RentWorks Limited as their Web Site Co-Ordinator. The web site which I worked on is here: Rentworks. Basically the job required me to develop and update their
web presence.It was great to have some experience working in a large corporation. Using the Internet
seems to have turned into a great hobby of mine, well its almost an obsession,
and I'm extremely pleased to be working in this field.
I am also available to do administration and/or Development for your site send me an E-mail regarding it, with the details of what you would like me to do and I will try to help you out. My education has
included skills in Web design and theory, for more information about my
skills click here. |
My current job is working for the
Ultimate Games Hotline quite a good job which involves sitting on the phone
(not literally) and telling people tips and cheats for computer and console
games. At the hotline we also do technical support for these games also
products such as Encyclopedia Brittanica, World Book Encyclopedia and Australian
Infopeadia. I have been working there since April and is my second job.
I actually am hoping to do some web page administration for them.... for
more info on my employment click here. |
Im now a mature experienced 21 year old, a long depature from being a crazy 20 year old. I am half German, hence my name. In fact
my real first name is Wilhelm a damn good German name if you ask
me. But please Paul will suffice, actually I insist. Anyway..on
with the show.... |