Walker's Cafe
San Pedro, CA

"I'd rather have a sister in a whorehouse
than a brother on a Jap bike!"
If you take the Harbor Freeway (110) south until it ends on Gaffey Street, in San Pedro, then turn left, and take Gaffey all of the way until it dead ends at Point Fermin Park, then turn left in the parking lot, you will find a cool little cafe known as Walker's. You will know you have found the right place by all of the Harleys parked in front. That's not to say you won't find other cars and motorcycles parked in the lot...but the front is 'coned' off for American 'Iron'. You might say that Walker's Cafe is 'biker friendly', but the truth of the matter is Walker's is friendly to everyone. A local tradition and landmark, the food is outstanding, the beer is ice cold, and the prices are more than reasonable. Walker's doesn't open until around 10 or 11am, and closes when the last customer is finished (or gametime, if there is something on the owner wants to watch). So if you're on a 'run', or just out for a weekend ride, plan on stopping at Walker's for a beer and a burger...the friendly folks, beautiful scenery, and good time are on the house! ~JW~

Bessie in front of the diner...

History of Walker's Cafe...

Menu...(prices subject to change without prior notification)

...Yeah...*chuckle*...this is me in an image created by my buddy, Jason Baringer, at Disegneo

...Jason with "Willie G" Davidson and family at "Love Ride '90"...
~...this is the end...~
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