Hello and welcome to my den. I hope you enjoy your stay, and remember you can never bounce around to much. *smile*
As you can see I am a tigger fan. If I was a tigger I would have to try and get him for my man. He is just so adorable.
I have a variety of things on this page that I hope you will find interesting. Well I guess I should get on with it huh?

Click here to hear Tigger say Hullo.

If your interested in finding out about Christy or Missy(my best friend + step sister), just click on the appropriate picture. Tigger for Christy and Pooh for Missy. There you will find out about us and our family's. You know what I mean, things like what we do and like that sort of thing.

WBS Chat Community I go here to chat.
My homepage in WBS
Vicki's Tigger World It's a really good Tigger page.
Bittersweet Tigger Page
Bouncing Off to Find Tigger
Allison'sHouse at Pooh Corner
Austin'sTigger page
AnEnchanted Page
HomePage of Tigger
PoohPictures Gallary
SweetStuff's Place This is my mom's webpage
LadyPinseeker's Page This page belongs to my grandmother
Geocities A place to get free webpages
TOAST Guestbook Server A place to get a free guestbook
Bear Hugs Send someone a special hug.

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