Mis' Web Page!

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Hey everyone... my name is Melissa. I'm 30 years old,
a Senior Test Analyst, I live in New Jersey, and I like most activities
(but, especially quilting, machine embroidery, the Internet, computers, outdoor stuff like the beach, and making cool and different crafts). On this page you'll find pictures of me, my husband Chris, my friends, my family, and some cool links...
I hope you enjoy! Please come back again!

My husband, Chris!! :) (A.K.A. "TheWall" thanks to Jonboy). Chris is also a software consultant. Chris is a great soccer player, and has been playing almost since birth! We went to the same high school, but did not start dating until after graduation. We have been together for over 9 years now, and are got married in July 2000! Chris graduated from The
Richard Stockton College of New Jersey .
My best friend Maryellen and her husband Will. Mare and I have known each
other since we were little kids!! And I've known Will since Junior High.
Mare and I even went to the same college The
Richard Stockton College of New Jersey |YY|! Go Ospreys!! Will went
to Rowan University.
It's Bob!! :) I have known Bob since Jr. High School. He's an extremely talented individual, loves the New Jersey Devils (traitor) and Ice Hockey, in general, takes Aikido, and is totally into Japanese Anime.
Hey Wait! There's More!
Pictures of
My Quilts!
Watch a Slide Show!!

Tired of "Synthesized" music? Follow this link for the "Real" thing!

E-Mail Me! Especially You Guys from the Village)!
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