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I´m thrilled by your visit, how exciting, another victim... *lol* I hope you will like this site, I made it just for you... :o) - Yeah right. *grin* Anyway, it would be a good idea to check out Info so that you may know what you need to fully enjoy this site. Here is where you can venture: Info about this siteAhh, some linksTha DudeSome of my friendsSome good chats Sign the bookView the book The rings I've joined This is the number of visitors to The Crossroad since January18 1998.

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Hey everyone! I'm on a mission right now in Minnesota for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!!! If you wanna get in touch with me write to Elder L. Olsen 5931 W. 96th St. Bloomington, MN 55438 And that is in the United States of course... I do have an email that I check once in a while, but... anyway it is I'll be home around April-May year 2000 This page hosted by Geocities Get your own Free Home Page *This site was written by Lennart Olsen a.k.a. Unicorn*