OK, I admit it, I've neglected this site over the past couple of
months. Sorry about that, and I apologize to those of you who visit this
site frequently (if there are any of you). I managed to post some new
pictures in our photo album today. It can be found under the Chicago
So, what's been happening with the Brand family the last couple of
months? Well, the biggest news is that Vanessa is pregnant again with the
second baby due on March 18. We've been for our 20-week check-up and
although they were able to tell us the sex of the baby, we declined the
information, since we want to be surprised when the new baby arrives.
It's hard to believe, but Alyssa is already
1 year old and she continues to be the center of our everyday life.
The picture below is one of my favorites. We took it
ourselves by using Kodak black & white film. Alyssa enjoys these photo
sessions and she's usually very playful.

Alyssa has been walking for a couple of months now and it's been hard keeping
up with her. She's very busy and is constantly exploring the world around
her. She's almost got six teeth now and we've been lucky that this has not
been a very difficult time for her. She is so much fun to be with and I
fine it hard to leave her in the mornings when I go to work.