Hello and welcome to my domain. Since you are here I guess you are wanting to know a little about me. Well my real name is Jay, I live at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. I am 37 years old, and engaged to a gorgeous lady. We met online over 4 yrs ago and we now have the most beautiful babey girl.

I'm a computer technician along with computer graphic designing. Ever since I got my first system many years ago, I have been intrigued with the graphic designing and developing. You can do most anything you want to create on a computer. If your mind can imagine it then it can be created one way or another. Along with graphic designing I also work and trouble shoot computer systems, it is definitely a challenge. I have came across some systems doing some really weird things. That can definitely be a challenge but with each one I learn more and more.

Ok enough with the boring stuff lets get to the more fun things. For my hobbies and passions well there are many of them. As you probably already know I love computers and graphics. What you might not know is that I am an avid hunter, bow hunter to be exact (guns are for wimps). With living here in the Ozarks there is plenty of prime hunting areas. I hunt one of the most elusive mammals, the gray ghost called by some and better known by others as the white tail deer. They are said to be one of the hardest animals to hunt cause of there extremely keen scenes of smell, eye sight and hearing. They have most all there senses working for them. Now just try to get past all the defenses and get within 20 yards of a big, smart buck. That is definitely a challenge.