The Humor Culled--or the Culls of Humor?
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New to Us:
New Action Figure for the Enemy (G)

These Just In...

One Liners on Sex (PG-13)

Model House for Rednecks (G)

These Just In 2...

These Just In 3...

These Just In 5...


On War:
How We Could Finance This Iraq War (G)
Why Osama bin Laden Just Can't Win....
"Still Flying"
A Powerpoint Photo Essay
A Message from Boeing
A Powerpoint Slide Show with Sound
New Bush Flick

Unsorted Jokes:
Hospital and Doctor (PG)
Yo Momma (PG-13)

Real Bumper Stickers
Horror Movie Rules (G)
Some Thoughts on Things (G)

Rejected Hallmark TM Cards (G)

Top 10 Dumb Requests by Bosses (G)

The Asserting Husband (G)

Beer Goggles: Men'sWomen's

Breakfast Together
Need a job?
How Tarzan Got His Yell

On Cats:
Cat Tails (G)
Couch Cat (G)
Door Topper (G)
Partied Out (G)
Partied In (G)
Pop Tart (G)
Slipper In (G)
Strong Cat! (G)

On Celebrities:
What G-d Is (PG)
Jesus vs. Elvis (G)
Prison Bakery (G)
New Prison Bakery Staff
Get your orders ready!

Dumb Blondes:
New York Bound? (G)
A Trapped Blonde Stewardess (G)
First Time on a Boeing 747 (G)
An Injured Blonde (G)
Firing Squad (G)
Blondes on the Trail (G)
Winning a Motor Home (G)
Burgled Blonde (G)
Blonde Kidnapping (G)
Construction Blondes (G)
Dumb Blonde Painting (G)
Sheep Wagering (G)
Blonde Rollback (G)
On an Interview (G)
Snow Blonde-ness (G)
Quick Ones (G)

On Christmas:
Catching Snowflakes (G)
A Frosty Greeting (G)
The Night Before Christmas for Moms (G)

Computer Jokes:
The Gates of Hell (G)
New Windows 2000 Errors (G)
Message Haiku (G)
Happily Addicted to the Web (G)
The Lord's Warning (G)
Wished for Computer Features (PG-13, Language)
Slow-loading MS Word Document. "Sodding" is British for "damn." "Bollocks" is misspelled. "Bollix it up" means to bungle.

Dating Terms (PG)
Doctor Speak (G)
Dictionary of Dogs (G)
How to Interpret Employment Ads (G)

Doctor Jokes:
From Medical Charts (PG)
A Psychiatrist and a Proctologist (PG: Lang)

On Dogs:
Cats & Dogs Defined (G)
Fire Dog (G)
From Pets:
Dog Genesis (G)
Dog Rules (G)
"Good Lessons"
Dog Sniffer
A Powerpoint Photo Essay (G)

On Education:
Profs Translations (PG: Lang)

Ethnic Jokes:
Backhanded Disclaimer: The jokes here especially may offend some. I'd like to think that most of them can have their "target" replaced by an equally inferior ethnicity....
Wooly Jokes on Scots (PG-13: Subj)

On Golf:
The Golf Pro (G)
Golf Nut Love (PG)

On Halloween:
Hints to Confuse Trick-or-Treaters (G)

On Holidays in General:
Happy Happy! (G)
Tired of Snow? (G)

On Men:
The Facts of Men (G)
Top 10: If a Man Became a Woman (PG-13: Subj)

On Newlyweds:
Wedding Night Diseases (PG-13: Subj)
Redneck Weddin' Night (PG-13: Subj)

On 2000 Florida Voters (G)

A Priest and a Bus Driver (G)
The Helpful Priest (G)
Confession Cup (PG)
Two Priests Go to Heaven (G)

G Puns:
Punny Stories (G)
Beethoven (G)
Blind Date (G)
Clubs (G)
A Dentist Puns (G)
Puns on Facts (G)
Painfully Punny (G)
Sand Witch Beach (G)
Talking Peanuts (G)
Uncle Names the Babies (G)

On Religion:
Adam and Eve's Enthnicity (G)
Bible Sales Technique (G)
Children of Israël (G)
The Christian Thing to Do (G)
Kids 'n' Religion (G)
Scripture Defense (G)
The Sisters of Mercy (R: Lang)

On Retail:
50 Things to Do at Wal-MartTM (G)

On "Shit":
The Fly and the Pitchfork
(PG: Lang)
The S.H.I.T. Memo
(PG: Lang)
English's Most Powerful Word
(PG: Lang)

Funny Signs:
From Britain (G)

College Entrance Exam (G)

On Thanksgiving:
One Hot Bird (PG)

Top Lists:
Top 25: Shortest Books (PG)
Top 18: Rejected Dr. Seuss Books (PG-13: Subj)

Other Recommended Sites:
Cyber "Camera"
Landover Baptist, a Religious Parody (PG)

Save the Whale (R+)
What Happens at Y2K (G)

I signed up on 8 May 1999 at 12:31.
• These jokes were sent to me.
• Some may be copyrighted.
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Funny Stuff

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