Hi! *S* First I would like to thank you for taking the time to view my website.
Here is a little bit about myself. My name is Dana Tabor aka ~WHITE WOLF~ and sometimes ~SHADOW STALKER~.
I am 25 years old, 65 tall, with short brown hair, blue eyes, and I weigh 197 pounds.
I live in a small town called Pulaski, which is located in the state of Virginia in the United States. I was born November 2, 1975, to Virginia and William Tabor (my parents).
I have one brother, Dennis, who is married with two wonderful little daughters, Rebecca and Amanda.
My main interests are writing poetry, going out dancing, hiking, and taking long walks in the forest. I enjoy a wide range of music, with the exception of rap and heavy metal. Im a major fan of Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, and Celine Dione.
As you can see by my website, I love wolves. If I had the chance to own a pet of my choice, it would definitely be a white wolf. Instead, I have a Golden Retriever. His name is Punkin and he is a year old. Punkin is full of energy, but actually a good dog. He really knows how to eat as well! *L*
This is all I can think to tell you at this point, but please check back later as I will be updating my site from time to time.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my site. I hope you enjoyed your stay. Please feel free to sign my guestbook.
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