Welcome To Ali^Katt's Lair!
Curl Up And Enjoy Your Stay!

Welcome to ALI^KATT'S Lair. I of course would be ALI^KATT. I will start off by tellin' you all about this web page. This page is for all of you who like to chat.
I do most of my chatting in NB_Addicts on mIRC. NB_Addicts can be found on any dalnet server.
I met so many nice people from chatting in NB_Addicts. To name just a few people there is Cailley, She is my HERO! She really is! I use to be a real shy person but then I met Cailley and she really brought me out my shyness. Okay let be realistic. What Calley really did to me was corrupt me. LOL
Another person that I met was Bob. Bob is the one who stold Cailley away from me. Can you all imagion that? I was in search of a HERO and after 27 years I finally found my HERO in Cailley and then Bob came along right out of the bule and stold my Cailley away from me. I am just teasing. Bob is a great guy. He has to be a great guy in order to win Cailley's heart.
We also have another NB_Addict that I met and became friends with and that would be Baby-Blues. There are alot of Chatters in NB_Addicts and I have never met a person who doesn't like Baby-Blues. Baby-Blues is a very sweet person and she is so easy to get along with and that is why everyone just loves her.
Two other special people that I have met chattin in NB_Addicts are the founder of the channel Cable-Guy and his wife ^^Trouble^^. ^^Trouble^^ may have the name of Trouble but she is really no trouble at all. ^^Trouble^^ is a nurse at the Saint John Regional Hosptial, as a matter of fact ^^Trouble^^ is my own personal nurse. When ever I have a question about anything I always go to ^^Trouble. Now Cable-Guy her is a whole different story. He likes to go into the channel and cause as much Trouble as he possible can. I am just teasing you all, Cable-Guy is just as much of a sweat heart as his wife ^^Trouble^^.
Another Channel couple we have is Net^Feline and her husband Net^K9. Net^Feline is quiet and shy until you get to know her. Now Net^K9 is the total oppisite of Net^Feline. He loves to chat to everyone, and he loves to crack those corny jokes of his.
What would a web be if we didn't mention Nixxx? It would be no web page at all! Nixxx is the Wild one in the channel. She is always joking around and having lots of fun. Let me tell ya...you never lived life until you met our famous Nixxx!
IceMan is Nixxx other half. I am at a total loss for words when I think of IceMan! When I think of IceMan the only thing that I can think of to say is how he got his nick but this is a family page so I better not let you all know that.
One of our most popular chatters I would have to say would be Lil-Devl. Lil-Devl makes everyone feel welcome to the channel. She chats with everyone in the open channel as well as in private messages.
No offence to anyone but my all time favoret chatter would have to be Jimmy25! I never met Jimmy25 from NB_Addicts but now I did get him to go to the channel and chat. Jimmy25 is the father of my daughter and now you all know just why he is my favoret chatter. LOL
We have way too many chatters to add a section about each and every one of them. If you want to see a list of the chatters just check out the section below for other sections of this page.
Most of our chatters are from NB (New Brunswick, Canada), but we do have some chatters from The USA and as far away as Norway. You don't have to be from New Brunswick, Canada to join in on any of our chats, we welcome anyone and everyone.
Where most of the chatters are from New Brunswick, we all like to get together at least once a month to party. Every month the parties are in different cities in New Brunswick. One month it would be in Saint John then next month Sussex and the next Moncton ect....We usually have the parties at a club that even one agrees on. We also like to get together for family fun such as Sledding, Skating, and B-B-Q's. We even had our far away friends and chatters join us in these parties and family fun. We are a close bunch of people so it is always nice to meet the people that you chat with.
Latley we have had alot of new chatters to NB_Addicts. Don't feel left out if you didn't find your names in the list of Regular Chatters. It has been awhile since I updated this web page, but I am in the process of updateing it now so you should find your name in there soon. I also lost my section of "Pictures of the Regulars" and I am goin to have that working soon (I hope). If you want your picutre added to my page just send it to my e-mail link on the page and I would be very happy to add your picure.
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