                                      Hello My name is Russ.
          About me lets see the most important would be my children     
                                               Son Gary
                                              Daughter Tara
                                              Daughter Tawna
                                              Daughter Tiona

         About me well i love racing thats why i work at Evergreen             speedway  in monroe washington. It also give me time to spend                 with my daughters . I also like animals. I have a umbrella cockatoo and a guinee pig my daughters also have a dog named  Tank he is a minpin . Also a cat named Tiger that We hand feed from a baby. Well im a simple man and am easy to please . I used to be in a pirate group and love to read western books I dont know what else to say so thats it for now  have fun            
Some of my friends.
This is part of my family
My daughters My Son
You can e-mail me here
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