The 45th Eastern Orchid Congress
And AOS Trustees Meeting
Williamsburg Marriott, Williamsburg, Va. October 19-22, 2000
Hosted by the Peninsula, Tidewater, & Virginia Orchid Societies
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Confirmed Speakers Include:
(Click Names For Biographies)
A. A. Chadwick, Carlos Fighetti, Dr. Leon Glicenstein,
Robert J. Griesbach, Ph.D., Dr. Hal Horwitz, Dr. Arthur Kaplan,
Dr. Wojciech Klikunas, Dr. Harold Koopowitz, Marilyn M. LeDoux,
Dr. Glenn C. Lehr, Gene Monnier, Dr. Martin Motes,
Andrea Niessen, William Rhodehamel, George Vasquez,
Nancy Volpe, Dr. Richard Warren.

Confirmed Vendors Include:
Andy's Orchids, Bergstrom Orchids, Bloomfield Orchids,
Boa Vista Orchids, Carter & Holmes, Celebrate Orchids,
Chadwick & Son Orchids, Fernwood Manor Orchids, Floradise Orchids,
Gemstone Orchids, Gold Country Orchids, Hoosier Orchid Company,
J&L Orchids, JEM Orchids, Kelley's Korner Orchid Supplies, L&R Orchids,
Main Street Orchids, Marriott Orchids, Motes Orchids, Mountain Orchids,
New World Orchids, Orchid Inn, Ontario Orchids,
Orchids & More,
Orchid World, Orquideas Del Valle,
Papa Aroha Orchids, Paphanatics UnLtd,
Pine Crest Orchids,
Ratcliffe Orchids, Smithfield Orchids, Tecson Orchid Center,
Waldor Orchids , Windy Hill Gardens, Woodland Orchids, Woozworks, Inc.,
Zuma Canyon Orchids

Need more information?
Contact Show Chairman
Dave Bryan
Phone: 757-467-0760.

Last Updated 8/13/00

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