and welcome to my homepage! This is my first homepage so I'm sorry if it does not look that good :) I am proud to say that I made this page ALL by myself! :)
Well, we're in the new Millenium! What was YOUR new year's resolution? Mine was to get healthier. So I joined a gym, am walking more, and eating healthier. Sometimes it's very hard to resist that chocolate, though!
Well, let's see..I am 25 years old(ACK!)..I remember when I was around 10 and I thought that 25 was old and that's now here! grrr...
I recently graduated from Humber College. I took the Developmental Services Worker program and I absolutely loved it. I am so happy!! I have finally found something that I love! I won an award back in November, 2000. It was called the Social and Community Affairs award. I was very proud of myself as were my friends and family. Before this, I went to Ryerson and Trent Univeristies but did not find my niche there.
I love animals of all kinds, especially dogs and cats. I have a beautiful yellow lab named Duncan. He's almost 7 years old and he's so sweet! When he gets excited, he wags his tail and wiggles his whole body. My friend Kathleen said that his tail is a lethal weapon. I think this is a good description :) I also have a cat named Tycoon who is 12 years old. Unfortunately, about three years ago, my mum discovered she was allergic to cats so he moved to my now ex bf's parents house out in the country. He is very happy there and is now the master of that house. He's so funny because he is exactly like me..bitchy one minute and affectionate the next. I guess pets pattern themselves after us. |