A Gorilla Production

Hello . The statements on this page are not proven facts, just opinions. Some are mine, some belong to others. Now , these comments have no copyright...and any resemblance of my comments to your own opinions would be a complete coincidence. Please come back soon and visit me.
Click on the Chat link below to chat via multichat. The Sports page has been removed because, well, because it sucked. If you select the Hell button, you can see all of those scumbags who should be in Hell. Don't forget to stop by the Links page... it has killer links to some of the best sites. The Inbred page is a rant-type page about stupid inbreds. If you're one of those sue-happy rejects, visit our disclaimer. We don't forget those who helped us along the way...that's why we've provided a credits page to give credit where credit is due. Interact with us by taking the scumbag poll...select your favorite scumbag. The Awards section of this page proudly displays all... uh... 2 of the awards we have received. A new Rants Page is up and running. Also, if you have a joke or want to read one, visit our Joke Book. Another chat service is available with the click of the Rant Chat button... check it out. Also, , you can now enter Hell 2 via link from Hell. Please sign my guestbook before you leave and feel free to e-mail me.
Oh, I almost forgot..., if you have and return the winning sweepstakes entry by the next millenium, we may declare you our next $1,000,000 winner. Congratulations ! By the way, this page is best if viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer.
NOTICE TO : This page has been modified to appeal to our more sensitive viewers. Where once there was what some would call "offensive material", now there are replacement words with less controversial meaning. We all know what the words represent. If you are one of these people and have a problem with it, seek help. Don't tell me about it. I don't care if YOU are one, IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM. If it upsets you so much then don't come back. I hate to have to post such a notice, but there are some lowlife losers who cry too much. As you can see in my guestbook, I have had no problems with visitors. Let's keep it that way .

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LAST UPDATE: 04/16/2000
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K2Y crap...it'll steal your
whole house when you go to sleep.


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