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A Shrine to my Hero Andrew Berrigan!

**NOTICE: Andrew Berrigan is not or WILL Never be a sissy boy! All emotions and mushiness found on this site are purely MY feelings only (and I'm a hopeless weirdo.. Andrew does not or will not ever wear pink fluffy bunny slippers and when he told me to tone down the mushyness on my site.. I told em to stick a pickle up his butt.. so any teasing he may get from this site is NOT MY FAULT!!! ***DISCLAIMER LOCATED AT BOTTOM OF PAGE***

Andrew Berrigan is my hero, he's my friend, my insperation. He made me who I am today. It wasn't his kind and sweet nature, his love, his cute analogies, it wasn't his handsome voice, and it wasn't his wise yet long stories. What Andrew did to change me was to be my friend. He was the most perfect person I've ever met. He was smart, he had the wisest air about him. I wanted to know what that felt like. I wanted to be, just like him. He was my mentor, my hero, my brother, my insperation, but most of all; he was my friend. (And Andrew, if you ever discover this page, I want you to know that you were the best thing that ever happened to me, and even though we are no longer close like we use to be, I still love you and I think about you and how you would handle the things I come up against. Your my insperation.)


ANDREW THE ANGEL - Andrew was my angel, he showed me what life truly meant. I have a better understanding of life now, and I understand many of it's problems. I thank Andrew for that, I thank Andrew Berrigan for everything. He gave me the only warmth and light that I had in a dark dreary and cold word, and for that I thank him. Because I needed someone, and he was there. Andrew Berrigan is a man that everyone deserves to have known, he was a heaven sent angel, who came down to me and showed me the error of my ways. He was "THE WIND BENEATH MY WINGS" He made me whole, and he held me up like an eagle is held up by the wind. And yet my mother still to this day is angry at me for finally coming out and telling the truth. I wouldn't take it back for all the money in the world. Because your an Angel Andrew Berrigan, and that's exactly what you shall always be.

THE ME TODAY - I use to be shy, I use to be cold, I use to lock my heart away in a tiny box so that no one could ever hurt me. But I'm no longer like that. I love life now. Where I use to hide from all troubles, I now welcome them, because nothing can get me down. Life is a game, and I intend to win. With Andrews help I realized that, I realized that I don't want to die alone, and now, I won't. I'm no longer shy and I love talkin on the phone now, where before talkin on the phone scared me to death. I always hear Andrews voice everywhere, and I can't help almost crying because I miss his guidence so very much. Andrew is my light, and now, I'm walking alone in the darkness. But slowly I'm learning how to lead my own life, and I'm not afriad. I have a job now, and this June or July I'll be going to St. Louis, by myself to a internet convention. I'll be staying with a 19 year old friend there, and to tell you the truth... I can't wait! I find Andrew in everything I do now, In every day that I go to college, I remember he was the one that got me interested in going to college. In every day I talk on the phone, I remember he was the one that got me comfortable with the phone. In every day that I flirt with the guys in my classes, I remember Andrew Berrigan was the one who got me comfortable enough to do that. I just wish I could tell him how much he effected my life. I even wrote an essay about him that (After school today, I'll be posting up here) Andrew, I always wanted to be "A part of your world" and now.. I'm creating my own world. I'd turning into you, and I love it.



Ways in which my life has been touched by Andrew Berrigan, my hero.

  • He made me realize how wrongly I was living my life, he forced me to face the fact that I need adventure and impulsion.

  • He showed me a world of love, light, warmth, and friendship.

  • He created a need to learn in me. I wanted to be like him, He's so wise and perfect. I wanted to be like that.

  • The most wonderful thing he EVER did for me, was to be my friend.



Andrew and I had many nicknames for each other. I called him "Roo" Why did I call him Roo you ask? I called him Roo because of a little incident involving a private room and a pouch. NOW Hey! Don't let that mind go in the gutter. And - Roo use to always call his private rooms "In my pouch" and when I saw that room, I thought about kangaroo's. Well okay I thought of some rather sexually explicit things but hey I was only 16 and couldn't call him ... er.. well best not say it here. hehe!!

Andrew Use too call me his Nut.. because I was such a little nut. I was very weird.. you can tell I know.. Hehe..



NEWFLASH!!!! Andrew flew back into my life and so all of this no longer exists... I thought he was angry with me.. but he truly is a heaven sent because he's not.. he was just busy.. so all is good again.. (all of this was written BEFORE Andrew came back.. it explains how I felt well I was without him.. enjoy!) I lost Andrew. Through all my pain and hurt, I lied to him from the very beginning, and nothing in my life will ever be regretted the way I regret what I did to him. I wrote him a poem that explains everything of how I was feeling and how hurt I was to have betrayed him. He was the model of perfection, and after I finally told him all the truths I'd been hiding for fear of getting hurt; I wasn't worthy of him. He was an angel, much to wonderful for a young nut of a girl who was afriad of the one thing that kept her distance. I was afriad of being hurt, of having my heart ripped out at just the instant that it opened completely. I'm not like that anymore then. I see now that a world without feelings, even hard emotion depression and hurt, is no world at all. With pain comes joy, and with joy comes pain. You can't have one without the other. So I learned I would never know joy until I accepted it, hurt and all.

Andrew is my world, and even today I think about him. I wonder what he's doing, I miss him and I hope he's doing okay. If I had it all to do over again the only thing I would change was have lied. I would have never lied to him. But I can't undo that, I did it, and then I told the truth, I owned up to my lies... and I lost the sun in my sky because of it.


I would have always missed you Andrew. Always, everyday, until the end of time. You were my light, and during the time that you were not here with me all I could feel was darkness and cold. Now that your back in my life, it's as if the biggest load has been taken away from me. My big brother is back! And he isn't ever getting away again! I actually PRAYED to see you one last time Andrew, I actually said, "God, please, if it is your will. Could you give me the opertunity to tell Andrew how much he's impacted my life? Will you allow me the words enough to let him understand what a hero he is to me?" I did! I said that.. and you know what? God heard me because the very NEXT day.. you appeared. And you weren't mad... I prayed to god for the first 10 minutes that I saw you, I prayed you weren't mad.. and I prayed that you would give me a chance to explain if you were mad.. but I'm glad it all worked out. Cause your a value to me.





Essay Written About Andrew under the topic of "Someone who really influenced my life" it's called "The Perfect Drug"

Poem I wrote him before the whole "lieing" incident.

Yet another poem, this one was written right after I told him the truth, It explains how and why I felt so lost.


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