~The Miseducation of a~
Rainbow Angel
**give me my wings and let me fly**

Hi there and welcome to the new face of rainbow angel...the miseducation of a rainbow angel!!!! This page is under major construction so please bare w/ me!! Incase sum of the pages aren't done or something, wait a while ~n~ try again!! Well, onward my friends........ :)
All my love-

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Hey.....if you're ever in the NW/Central New Jersey area anytime....find your way to either Obsessions (Randolph, NJ in Sussex County) or to Club Utopia (Jefferson/Lake Hopatcong)
U can visit Obsessions' webpage at http://www.geocities.com/obsessions_nj and Utopia doesn't have a webpage, but u can email them at Utopia973@aol.com
Utopia's 21 and under night is saturday from 8pm-2am, and Obsessions' 21 and under night is saturday too, except from 8pm-12:30
If u want directions or anythin email Utopia or check out the Obsessions' Website...or u can ask me! :) I used to promote for DJ Bobby Zee @ Obsessions but i stopped goin there for a while...........so...yeah. Much luv to every1 there though

One Love 2 all:
M a r a . r ai n b o w a n g e l

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