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This is Phire's Panda Haven.
And I'm Phire! 8-)

You are listening to "The Last Panda".
Scroll to the bottom to read the touching lyrics. And please bookmark this page.

I'll start by telling you that my love for
these cuddly creatures sparked my
desire to do this Web Page and the
links associated with it.
Why so much work?
It's simple. The Pandas are endangered. They are dying.

So what can I do about it?
Well, my friend, I hope that together with a bit
of education and a lot of
heart and compassion,
we will be able to help these and other
endangered species before it is too late.

If you follow the next button, you will find many things such as adoptions and information on the pandas including a couple of Red Pandas that are observed daily. You can read the log on what these two are up to! And you can watch the "Baby Panda Cam"! Please take just a moment to look at it.

And in the links area you will find your way to others panda pages and also pages to various other endangered species.

The Last Panda

lyrics by Graham Earnshaw from the CD "I Care"

There at the edge of the world
She stood alone with her eyes on us all
She swayed side to side in the darkness
As she calmly awaited the call.

For months she had wandered about
Growing older and slower and blind
In her bones she had known for some time now
That she was the last of her kind.

The Sky, The Sky

Caught between nature and man
In a vice that she couldn't escape
The bamboo was dying around her
The forest, a victim of rape.

Her home was no longer her home
Invaded by giants in herds
They crashed through the forest around her
And gathered to look at her turds.

The Sky, will be your home tonight
The Sky, will make you feather light
Everything must end, no reason to weep
It is not your fault now
Lay down to sleep.

The Sky, Sky

Once on a hill far away
As she sat munching leaves in the shade
Her children rolled round in the sunshine
Beating down from a sea of blue jade.

Gone are the sun and the dreams
Gone as well are the children she bore
Either dead or else clowns in a circus
It didn't matter any more

Next time you visit, you can
use my new, simple URL!

GLC CREATIONS 1999 all rights reserved

Most Graphics By Sister Dreamy and Sister Parrot Sue...thanks so much ladies! 8-)
And it was a gift to me from my fellow Net Sisters! Wonderful Ladies!