<BGSOUND SRC="/oneluvablehugableguy/">
Thanks for visiting my website...
           These are a few pictures that I had a friend take of me so that I could show my friends online.  Of course, these have been displayed for awhile and I need to take some new pictures.  ;)

            I took these at a park nearby my house.  I like going outside.  I like doing things all of the time.  I'm a very open-minded and active person.  I also like  good conversation and like to enjoy the moment sometimes.

            Other times, I like to challenge myself and like to push myself to the limits so that I can grow to be a better person.  Mentally, I'm always challenging myself.  I'm always thinking about things and analyzing things.  That's just the way that I am.  I think it's great because I like to have things covered all of the time.


My name is Victor.
I'm an italian and hispanic guy living in Southern California.
I have alot of interests (outdoors, computers, sports, movies and music).  I like to come online to chat with different people and see if I can learn anything new.  I'm always up for a new adventure.

Right now, I'm just taking care of things and looking forward to returning to school soon in persuit of my bachelor's degree in business marketing.

I work as an Administrative Assistant and enjoy my job.  I like working closely with people, whether it is dealing with people in different departments or directly with the customer.
I'm always trying to be the nice guy.