Last updated June 9, 1999
Geocities has finally let me back into my page, and I'm moving A.S.A.P |
Please mail me with any questions or comments you may have.
Welcome to my den. I am Panther. (If your a lycanthrope, you need read no further, just skip over this) Most people that come through here will probably think I'm crazy, maybe so. I though the same thing once, I was rather.... confused most of my life, but a good while ago I found out about all this stuff. At first I thought it was nuts, but I try to keep an open mind, I found that it wasn't so nuts, and that all the things inside me I could not figure out, made perfect sense. No one can possibly know everything, so what would make anyone think they know there is no lycanthropes (a werebeast)? Werewolves are not the same as Hollywood would have you think. The full moon, although I love it, does not make me shape shift, in fact, most of us havent shape shifted (But a some have). But we have a little different way of looking at things, at least all the werewolves I know do, and, well, we are different. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be normal, or human, but I can't explain what lycanthropy is like, it's like explaining what it's like to have an arm, to someone without them. Well, if you are a werewolf, or just want to know more, please come in and enjoy what little i have set up.
This page is
still under construction!! But everything here works.
This page is mainly focused on werebeasts, or lycanthropes. There are many of us, and even more that don't know what they are. Perhaps you are, if your not sure, take this little quiz i found at the werebeast support page. The test is not scientific, but it will help you decide. Some of us know what we are, but not exactly. We may know we're a lycanthrope, but have no idea what kind. I myself go between a wolf, panther, golden eagle, and dolphin. Some have more, some have less, and some know right off what animal they are, wolves are the most common. I'm still looking for ways to help find out, but have so far been unable to find any, aside from soul searching. I am currently looking for other were related things, and have a small collection of such things, but it's not too enough, submissions are welcome. Other parts are added below.
Shifting Were Art Links Were Community Stories Terms
A little about wolves, and some links to wolf sites.
A little about panthers, I have no links here yet.
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