"Until you do what you believe in,
you don't know whether you
believe in it or not"
Now, before we go any further, your
must understand that i am a very
complex person, and if you just read this, and
dont actually talk to me,
then you wont really know anything about me at
all!!!! I spose i should
now give everyone the general stuff about myself...
im almost 18...
i love playing guitar and writing my own songs,
thanks to Jess for
introducing me into the world of guitars.....
=] anyway, i also love
candles, and figurines and stuff.. im a big photo
person too, my room
is starting to be almost wall to wall photos..
and junk and other stuff...
I dont live with my parents anymore, coz they
moved to Canberra..
and so now i live in their house with my friends
Jess and Stuart... its and
interesting experience!!!! Anyay, enough about
me.... there'll be more
info down below if you want more details.. and
if thats not enough, you
can contact me by email (at the end of the page)
or icq (8198055)!!
Okay, when it comes to music, there is only one word to describe me,
ecclectic... i like all kinds of music... rock,
hip hop, dance, techno, punk
ska, thrash, country, classical, jazz and so
on and so on.... but as with
everyone, i do have favourite bands/artists...
Limp Bizkit, MxPx,
Supertones, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Moby, Jewel,
Area 7, Blink 182,
John Williamson, Midnite Oil, etc..... i also
like a lot of music from the
60's and 70's, thanks to my dads influence!!!
And i also like stuff from
the 40's and 50's, like Frank Sinatra and Nat
King Cole....
My family all currently live in Canberra and i miss them all very much.
Theres not much else i can say about my family..
If you've never met
them, then no matter what i say, it wont describe
them properly and it
wont do them justice... and if you have met them,
then you'll understand
why i cant write much about them....anyway, i
love them and thats all!!!
"Accept no-one's definition of
your life. Define yourself!"
I must say hello to all my buds....
Jess Richardson, Sarah,
Scott.. Jess
Ceremidas.. Stuart...
Benny Boy!!!.... Lynette, Skinny Scotty... Brad!...
Snef, Josh... Kiara... Emma... the rest of the
Spry's and their bunch, i
really can't be bothered mentioning u all!!!!
If i have forgotten anyone,
dont take it personally, i just can't think right
"We write our own destiny,
we become what we believe"

A page about a very kool little boy that touched all our lives
A site about one of the coolest punk/pop/rock bands ever!!!
One of the coolest music labels.. responsible for the likes of MxPx...
Slick Shoes... Project 86 and heaps of others!!!!!!
Oh yes!!! the legend himself has a official homepage!!! thank goodness...
now we can check out all his songs, and find heaps of cool pics
just at the click of your mouse!!
Do as i did, and go here to find STACKS of pics of these fine fellows...
and check out the forums to find out the truth behind Adam's
Song...... =]
This band is so openly against...
well... almost anything to do with rich ppl...
politics... or other contraversial issues...
but they also pump out excellent
I participate in the 40 hr famine every year,
and have done so for the past 7 years, so if you want more info on World
Vision and the 40 hr
famine, go here. I believe we should all do something
to help those who
are less fortunate than us.
For really cool quotes/poems etc. go here
If you liked some of the name summaries i provided, go here to look up
your own name, and trust me, they will have it, no matter how
bizzare!! and if for some reason you didnt see
the name summaries, but
would like to... go back up to my friends, and
click on one of the yellow
oh yeah.. dont forget to email
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My Guestbook
"I cannot love as i have loved,
and yet i know not why.
It is the one great woe of my life,
to feel all feelings die"
little light of mine.... im gonna let it shine....
This little light of mine.... im gonna let it
This little light of mine.... im gonna let it
Let it shine... let it shine.... let it shine"
(ask sarah and emma!!!!)
(All quotes with much thanks to the Motivational Page!!)
(All name summaries with much thanks to the Name Page!!)
I would like to thank me, myself, and I for the
wonderful success of this page!!
Last updated 24/02/2001....