Adam Kristensson
Adam Kristensson
PhD Aerosol Physics
Copenhagen Centre for Atmospheric Research (CCAR)
Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen
Univeristetsparken 5, DK-2100, Copenhagen, Denmark
Telephone - cellular Sweden +46-70-6474995
Telephone - home Sweden +46-46-149233
Telephone - laboratory Copenhagen +45-41637255
Telephone - office Copenhagen +45-35-320322
Email -
I'm currently a post-doc researcher in the field of Aerosol Science at Copenhagen University. I'm currently working with
aerosols produced in the laboratory
to simulate how aerosols with different chemistry affect cloud formation
and climate.
As a PhD student at Lund University, Division of Nuclar Physics I have
been working with how different aerosol
sources affect Swedish air quality.
Here's a link to my PhD thesis. The sources most responsible for degrading
the air quality in Sweden are: traffic exhaust, road dust, biomass
combustion, and transboundary sources.
Research experience.
Organic laboratory aerosols - biomass burning aerosols and amino acid aerosols.
Long range transported PM2.5/PM10.
New particle formation events.
Traffic emissions.
Wood stove emissions.
Source/receptor modelling.
Urban traffic particles.
Urban wood combustion particles.
Soot particles in the tropopause region.
Particle number size distribution measurements.
I'm working for the Association of Green Motorists - Sweden (Gröna Bilister). We need more members that can
help us with with the development towards more energy efficient and environmentally friendly cars. Contact me, or
visit: Gröna Bilister if you'd like to become a member and make a difference in society.
Last updated: December 22, 2008.