Angeleyedgrl Angeleyedgrl's Homepage Angeleyedgrl
To see more Guardians click on Angelique

Angelique *Guardian Angel*

Welcome to our home page. We have taken a lot of time putting these pages together so please take your time in viewing it. We would really like to hear your comments about our page please feel free to email us. Please sign our guest book so we know who has visited us.We will contuine to up date the pages, please keep checking back. Click on the links and enjoy and have fun.

A Quick Link To Minnee's Special Unicorn Page's
To send Minnee & `Wal
an email click below

A Quick Link To Minnee's Roses Page

We have moved , now living in the U.S.A and finally back online we have updated or started to. Please take a moment to look at whats been happening to our lives.

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A place where you can come,
and exchange votes with other people in ALL fights !!!

Thank you to all our supporters who are helping us to advance :))

To see more Guardians click on Gypsy

*Guardian Angel of Astral Plane and Astral travellers*
Gypsy was placed on our page to guard and watch over us on our travel back to the USA and for family members and friends who are traveling.

Send a Spirit Flower!
For Min

Send a Spirit Flower!
For Wal

Send a Spirit Flower!
For Jonny

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
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For My Love

Angeleydgrls Homepage
we can know the power of love its magic we'll recieve if we hold on to our dreams and like a child....