Classic Mopar

For many years, I have been facinated with Mopar products. My mom worked at one of the oldest Chrysler garages in the country. Many of my friends are also Mopar fanatics. This tends to draw me more towards Mopar. As with many fascinations this has turned into an obsession. I now work at Bill's Auto in East Springfield, Ohio, and I am a member of STS, the Service Technician's Scociety. Mopars are an important part of my life, I currantly own 4 "Mini-Mopars." For those who don't know those are 4 cylinder mopar products. I have a 1990 Dodge Caravan with a 2.5 liter engine and dual exausts that you could call a restore project. I've been over alot of the cosmetics that could be unbolted and replaced with better ones and one day it may recieve paint. I also have a 1987 Chrysler LeBaron Turbo Coupe with power everything and digital everything to boot. It's been a project mechanically but is going good now. My final 2(now 1) cars are 1988 Dodge Daytonas. I took the 2 and turned them into one. One is loaded and very nice, but had a little accident with a flame under the hood (it was like that when I bought it. The other was wreacked and had a good motor to replace the blown motor and burnt wiring harness. Me being the moron car freak I am I decided to take the nice car and while I had everything out, chang it from an automatic to a 5 speed. It now is a 5 speed reliably starting car and now needs some minor details taken care of. Enough about all that on to the site.

Other Pages Within My Site

Dodge Page
Chrysler Page
Plymouth Page
Warlock Page
Engine Page
My Mopar


David Matthew Enterprises' Web site
The Ultimate Dodge Superbee Restoration Hive
Don UHL Moparholic My Mopars Page
Jim Bob's Mopar Site

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